廣州市車會員電子科技有限公司(香港車會員)是一家集研發、設計、生產與銷售于一體的專業性汽車后市場清洗系列及車載系列產品國際性公司,主營高科技型蒸汽清洗機/洗車機,高壓清洗機,家用大功率洗車機,應急啟動電源等一系列產品。 廣東省目前唯一一家專業設計、研究、生產家用洗車機的生產廠家。廣州市車會員電子科技有限公司主營高新科技電子產品,**首發**臺多功能家用洗車機C300(洗車,吸塵,暖干一體機)及蒸汽洗車機研發生產,節約水資源,有利于環保。車會員堅持走獨特的路線,在這個變化莫測的年代,堅持每年研發符合大眾化的新奇特的優質產品,為商家提供源源不斷的商機。車會員公司所經營的產品均獲得了國家頒布的高新技術產品專利認證,同時也相繼獲得了國外的ROHS,FCC,CE-EMC,CE-LVD質量認證,常年國外各種專業展會的推廣,產品熱銷德國、日本與美國等歐美國家。經過多年的不斷拓展,已經有非常穩固的客戶,在**的銷售網絡達1000多家。車會員國際集團高素質的專業人才和優質的產品在社會上樹立良好的企業形象,受到了社會各界與廣大客戶的普遍依賴與贊揚。公司決策層卓越的超前意識,全體員工積極進取的敬業精神,社會各界的支持與厚愛,使它在國際市場取得了顯著的成績。在深耕現有業務的同時,重視產品創新,不斷開發與探索新的產品與業務。車會員企業愿景:車會員,世界汽車后市場的標桿和楷模車會員企業使命:堅持每年研發一款性價比高的產品,以協助客戶創造并保持競爭優勢,從而提高客戶的利潤。?????? Guangzhou?Car?Member Electronics Technology Co. , Ltd. (Hong Kong Car Member International Group Ltd.)? is?professional on automotive aftermarket products ( Cleaning series & vehicle-mounted series) which focuses on R&D,?design,?production, marketing and after-sales service. The main products are high-tech? steam cleaner/car washer, high pressure washer, household high pressure car washing machine, jump starter, car inflator pump and etc. Now Car Member is the only one manufacture factory ?in Guangzhou which is in professional design, research and produce household car washing machine.????? Guangzhou Car Member specializes in high-tech electronic products and has launched the Global First One Multi-functional household washing machine—C300 (Washing, vacuuming, drying all-in-one machine), furthermore develop and manufacture steam car washer. The main concept is saving water and focus on the environmental protection. ???? In this era of increasingly update, Car Member adheres to the creative and unique route, stick to developing a cost-effective product yearly and provide commercial opportunities for business man.????? Car Member’s?products?have?obtained?the?high and new technology product patent certification,also?successively?gained?ROHS,?FCC,?CE-EMC,?CE-LVD?certification. Besides to?take?part?in?all?kinds?of?professional?exhibitions?in abroad promotion, and?hot sell in European and American countries such as Germany, Japan and the United?States.??????? After?years?of?development,?we already?have?a stable customer resources, more than 1000 sales?network?in the globe.Car Member - professional attitude and excellent quality has resulted in greatest trust and support from our customers as well as lion's share of market. The?remarkable?consciousness of company executives, the staff positive enterprising spirit, social?support?and?great?kindness?from?all?sectors of society, has made remarkable achievements in the world market. During?the?deepening?of?existing?business,?Car Member pays attention to product innovation,?constantly?develop?and?explore?new?products?and?business.Our vision: Car Member – A leading global automotive aftermarket manufacturer and provider.Our mission: Car Member – Stick to developing a cost-effective product yearly, in order to help customers to create and keep their competitive advantage, and improve their profit.新辦公室地址:廣州市番禺區洛浦街桔樹村萬興一街3號中悅商務中心一樓(南浦地鐵C出口正對面150米)