我們是一家具有國際專業水準,致力于用專業標準為客戶提供從策劃創意到設計制作服務的數字技術提供商(www.hengrey)領域涵蓋游戲外包、CG動畫、視覺包裝等,為不同行業的客戶提供有針對性的產品和服務形式,以滿足客戶的不同需求。 We are an international art development studio focusing on top-quality 3D and 2D art creation for integration in games and CG animations. By implementing creativity and a high degree of technical knowhow, and by working closely with our clients, we offer you our best services meeting the diverse needs of your projects.我們的優勢:1. 豐富的游戲制作經驗:多年來從事各種平臺的游戲研發以及移植工作(PS3.XBOX360.PS2.PSP.WII.NDS.PC.PC-ONLINE GAME)。2. 國際水平的游戲美術、動畫制作團隊。Our advantages:1. Wealthy experience in game production: we've beening working on game development and porting on various kinds of platforms for a decade.(eg.: PS3.XBOX360.PS2.PSP.WII.NDS.PC.PC-ONLINE GAME)2. Elite game art and animation team of international level.