Since 8 years, Astrea Co.Ltd is a trading company who ensure connection between companies and chinese factories. More than supplying products, we offer services to help them in their choices and we oversee quality during the production with our different departments (purchase, quality, logistic). Our understanding expertise in companies organisation help us to answer efficiently to our customers and to propose thousands customized products. 奧群商貿(深圳)有限公司做為法國總部在中國的采購主辦,集設計,包裝,質量控制及出貨于一體,為客戶提供完善的服務,產品種類繁多,促銷禮品,手機配件,家居用品等. 公司提供優質的辦公環境,對員工誠信以待,系統**的工作節奏將激發員工的工作熱情和才能. 奧群商貿誠邀您的加入!