超品貿易(上海)有限公司介紹超品貿易(上海)有限公司成立于2008年,是澳洲超品集團在中國的全資子公司,其前身為成立于2006年的超值汽車用品集團有限公司杭州代表處;同時,公司亦是超品集團的國際運營部門。澳洲超品集團于1972年由Reg和HazelRowe創立,2004年在澳大利亞上市,目前在澳大利亞和新西蘭已擁有多條零售線600多家零售超市,產品覆蓋車品、旅行、戶外、運動、健身等多個專業領域,為顧客提供優質、創新、擁有澳洲設計理念的產品和有競爭力的價格,獲得了顧客長久以來的信任。超品貿易(上海)有限公司(集團國際運營部門)主要負責集團海外事務,在中國運營兩個辦公室,即為中國總部的上海辦公室,和距上海2.5小時車程的杭州辦公室。上海辦公室主要負責供應鏈管理、服裝和鞋類采購、中國市場開發等等;杭州辦公室則主要負責雜貨采購,包括垂釣用品、游艇用品、野營用品、汽車用品、五金工具、運動器械等等。 更多集團信息,請參閱集團網站:www.superretailgroup在超品集團的生活是快節奏的、充滿開拓與回報的。我們將為員工提供如下報酬:???????? ? 具有吸引力的薪酬體系包括賦有競爭力的基本薪酬+補貼+績效獎??????? ? 彈性工作以及工作與生活的平衡——除法定節假日外,你還將享有服務期**年10天、第二年15天及第三年起每年20天的帶薪年假????????? 除了五險一金外,我們還將為員工及其子女提供商業醫療保險????????? 獲得為擁有超過12000名員工、澳大利亞排名前十的上市公司工作的機會??????? ? 我們向員工提供利于其發展與終身學習的機會??????? ? 卓越的、快速發展的支持性工作環境????????? 提供在快速發展的公司里進行職業提升、在職培訓與開發的機會?機會不容錯過!現在就申請吧!Introduction of SRG Trading (Shanghai) LimitedEstablished in 2008, SRG Trading (Shanghai) Limited is whollyinvested by Super Retail Group, and developed from Super Cheap Auto GroupLimited Hangzhou Representative Office set up in 2006.? As an integralpart of Super Retail Group, SRG Trading (Shanghai) Limited is the InternationalOperations Department of the Group.Super Retail Group was established in 1972 by Reg and HazelRowe and publicly listed in 2004. Now the Group has several retaillines?more than 600 stores in Australia and New Zealand. The Group offerscustomers products of auto, travel, outdoor, sports, fitness…… Our ability todeliver great value, creative products and service to our customers bringslong-term loyalty and trust.Group International Operations is responsible for a range ofactivities occurring offshore and managed from two locations in Mainland China.The registered head office is located in Shanghai and a larger branch office islocated in Hangzhou about 2.5 hours inland.The Shanghai office focuses on Supply Chain, Apparel andFootwear Sourcing,China market development and associated supportactivities.? The Hangzhou office focuses on Hard Goods Sourcing such asFishing, Boating, Camping, Auto, Tools, and Sports Equipment and associatedsupport activities.More information about Super Retail Group, please visit: www.superretailgroupLife at Super Retail Group is fast paced, always expandingand very rewarding. Here's a little more about what we offer…???? ? An attractive salary package including a competitive basesalary + allowance + bonus??????? Flexibility andwork/life balance – Except for public holidays, you will enjoy 10-day annualleave for 1st year service, 15-day for 2nd year and 20-day for 3rd year orafterwards.?????? Other thansocial welfare and housing fund, we also provide commercial medical insurancefor team members and their children. ?????? Theopportunity to work for one of Australasia's top 10 ASX 200 listed retailerswith over 12,000 team members?????? Ourcommitment to team member development and creation of lifelong learningopportunities?????? Asupportive working environment within a highly successful and growingorganization?????? Theopportunity for career advancement in our rapidly growing company and ongoingtraining and development opportunities on offerDon't miss this opportunity! Apply now.