綠橙幼兒園是一個互聯網工程師與幼兒老師密切合作、“以兒童主動學習”為核心的互聯網+幼兒園,讓老師和家長在技術的幫助下,“看見”孩子們隱性的發展過程,幫助他們成為好的自己。綠橙有著以孩子為中心的教育理念,還有老師團隊和互聯網工程師共同打算的技術支持平臺。不僅僅有互聯網軟件技術的支持,還有跟歐美和日本幼兒園相媲美的硬件環境。綠橙旨在于打造一所的幼兒園。The Green Cheng preschool, located in Beijing, is aChinese preschool serving children ages 2 to 6. We are a child-centered preschoolin the Progressive Education tradition -- that fosters individual growth whileworking with parents, using the latest technological platforms, to support thembecoming full partners in their child's education. And we are looking forcommitted teaching professionals to grow with us as we fulfill our mission toset the standard of modern Kindergarten education throughout China.