澤萬文化傳播有限公司分部于深圳及廣州兩地,是一個有著6年外籍模特經紀專業經驗的團隊。專業性是我們所提倡的重要的價值,我們為客戶提供理想以及合適的合作模式,為中國各地的時尚攝影、時裝表演、電視廣告和時尚活動提供服務。我們是澤萬。投簡歷前請先上我們的網址了解一下再投簡歷:www.theonemodelThe One Model is based in Shenzhen and Guangzhou China, led by a professional team with at least 6 years' experience in Chinese modeling industry. Professionalism is the most important value we advocated. We provide professional and right models to the clients all around China for fashion shooting, fashion shows, TV commercials and fashion activities. In the meanwhile, we provide professional and human-based management and service to the models and the mother agencies around the world. We are THE ONE.