GTED-X 是一家成立于 2016 年,致力于為中小企業(yè)(SME) 提供云技術和相關解決方案的公司,我們關注和研究 SME 的生存環(huán)境和商業(yè)模式的演變,旨在使用云計算技術幫助中小企業(yè)尤其是小微商業(yè),發(fā)獲得高速成長和到達商業(yè)目標的路徑及機會。公司總部位于新加坡,同時在中國,香港和烏克蘭擁有分支機構,目前我們主要服務于包括東南亞國家以及世界各地的市場。GTED-X 用前沿的云技術,為客戶提供專業(yè)商業(yè)解決方案,并鼓勵客戶自己定制、創(chuàng)新、擴展產品功能,以提升客戶自身的商業(yè)品質。GTED-X的技術團隊,聚集了來自于新加坡、印度、中國、俄羅斯、烏克蘭及美國的頂級的云技術開發(fā)精英及云服務,是目前**云技術應用的先鋒探索者。GTED-X is 100% committed to serving small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and micro businesses in Southeast Asia and throughout the English-speaking world.??We use the most advanced cloud technology available today to provide sophisticated solutions to SMEs—solutions usually only available to large enterprises.??Founded in 2016, we are based in Singapore and have branches in China, Hong Kong, and Ukraine. Our team is made up of cloud development and services experts from global companies, comprising members from Singapore, India, China, Russia, Ukraine, and the United States.??We encourage our customers to customize, innovate, and expand our own solutions according to their business needs so they can grow quickly and reach their goals faster.