NOMOS DESIGN&CONSULTANT CO.,LTD specializing in decoration design services. People-oriented, emphasizing service. Through the complete design system service, in order to meet the needs of customers in a scientific and strict way. Company through the leading design concept, the implementation of scientific modern management methods, and implement a sound brand service awareness, has been unanimously praised by the majority of owners, NOMOS won a good reputation and reputation. NOMOS DESIGN&CONSULTANT CO.,LTD [深圳藍馬裝飾設計顧問有限公司]專業從事室內裝飾設計服務。以人為本、強調服務。通過完整的設計系統服務,以科學而嚴謹的方式滿足客戶的需求。公司通過的設計理念,實行科學的現代管理方法,貫徹完善的品牌服務意識,得到了廣大業主的一致好評,為NOMOS贏得了良好的口碑與名譽 。服務內容:室內外裝飾設計信息咨詢酒店會所寫字樓商業住宅及樣板房商業購物中心的裝飾設計藝術品設計和銷售園林景觀設計標識設計廚房及燈光設計