唯智傳媒成立于2012年,專注于為游戲廠商、品牌企業主打造優質用戶社區及互動服務,至今團隊在全國擁有上百名資深運營服務人員,皆具備多年豐富的用戶運營經驗,服務國內各大品牌客戶。2016年更和多家自媒體平臺進行深度合作,打造一支內容生態服務運營團隊,優化客戶信息流品牌曝光,升級提升業內的互動服務。幫助更多的品牌獲得精準用戶群體?? ?Wise AD was found in 2012, with focusing on establishing and managing the Gamers' interactive communities for the gaming business and reputable enterprises. Till today Wise team has more than 100 experienced specialists of running communities' operation in China, with amount of well known customers. Since 2017 wise AD started the deep cooperation with social media accounts, is going to set up a content based eco-system and Optimize the effectiveness of our clients' advertising, promote the interactive service with gamers to approach the accurate customer oriented target.