??會和工業自動化(上海)有限公司,德國在中國的全資子公司,作為ATS集團成員之一,是一家加拿大上市公司,在工業4.0的發展背景下,為工業領域提供完整的信息化、自動化解決方案。公司的業務主要集中在化工、電子、制藥、汽車制造等行業,在同行業中處于世界地位。作為專業的工程公司,會和在從項目的規劃、設計,到實施及調試和服務等各個階段都具備豐富的經驗,這使我們能夠為用戶提供有關自動化生產的整體解決方案。會和中國的總部設在上海,在北京、長春、沈陽、廣州設有分公司和辦事處。?PA Process Automation Solutions (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., WOFE of Germany, as a part of ATS Group, is one of theleading manufacturer independent providers of complete automation solutions forthe process, production and automotive industry. From planning toimplementation and system start-ups: our status as a professional business partnerwith ample experience enables us to assist the customer with any issues relatedto automation – in fact, our services can even cover the entire life cycle ofyour plant. Our operations focus on the design of control and process controlsystems and their Vertical Integration into the overall business process. TheHeadquarter of PA China is in Shanghai, with branches in Beijing, Changchun,Shenyang and Guangzhou.公司網址:www.pa-ats公司郵箱:PACN.HR@pa-ats