??The company is based in Scotland where its history forsupplying high quality engineered product dates from 1903. The company iscontinually growing and developing and a key factor in the success of this isthe value and recognition we place on our employees. Power Jacks offer acompetitive wage and benefits package.Power Jacks 是一家英國設計和制造公司,成立于1903年。專業生產機電起重、定位和負載監控設備。除了提供專業的高精密加工服務,我們還制造各種備受贊譽的產品系列。我們的產品按高標準設計,并在大批應用中部署。上海派杰珂實業有限公司作為英國PowerJacks直屬中國辦事處,致力于中國區域市場的售前、售中、售后的專業技術支持和服務。