卡墨尤尼是美國北卡羅來納CAML計算機學校在中國設立的**家面向低齡學生計算機啟蒙和 拓展的培訓機構。培訓中心采用美國的教學模式和課件,通過Scratch,Minecraft,APP制作 等等計算機科學課程讓孩子們學習編程,也通過編程來學習。CAMLUNI education center is a training institution concentrating on computer science and creative computing education for young students. We emphasize creative computing, because creative computing supports the development of personal connections to computing, by drawing upon creativity, imagination, and interests. Creative computing also emphasizes the knowledge, practices, and fundamental literacies that young people need to create the types of dynamic and interactive computational media that they enjoy in their daily lives, in this way young people can access computer world as designers and creators instead of pure consumers.