GH是由一家由中國和歐洲律師聯合創立咨詢事務所,旗下專設了上海固晗知識產權服務有限公司專門處理知識產權業務。我們的目標是通過提供國際化服務以協助我們的客戶設立、發展他們的業務,從而實現高標準、合規化和**率。?我們的合伙人有超過10年的在華從業經驗,致力于為中外企業提供涉及亞洲、歐洲及拉丁美洲的商業及法律咨詢服務。我們對于中國、歐洲及拉丁美洲的深入廣泛的知識和工作經驗,使我們能深切了解客戶的需求,從而不但能夠提供保護他們利益的解決方案,而且解決方案更具有效性和實用性。??我們擅長于境內外投資構建、外資并購、知識產權服務、商業糾紛解決以及移民服務。我們是在國家商標局備案的專業知識產權代理機構,這使我們能夠直接為客戶提供知識產權服務而無需通過第三方中介。GH?is a firm founded by Chinese and European lawyers with the aim of assisting and providing global service to our clients in order to help them to set up and develop their business operations with a high standard of compliance and efficiency.Our partners have more than 10 years of experience providing advice to either Chinese and foreign companies in China, Asia, Europe and Latin America.? Due to this extensive experience and knowledge of the Chinese, European and Latin American markets, we know what are our clients′ needs, and we intend to provide them not only solutions to protect their interests but also solutions that are effective and practical.We are specialized in structuring inbound and outbound investment projects, M&A projects,?IP?service, commercial disputes and immigration service.?GH?is a certified?IP?Agent by the PRC Trademark Office, which allows us to assist our clients without intermediaries in complex Intellectual Property cases in China.Our headquarters are based in Shanghai and we have correspondent offices in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Barcelona, Madrid and Santiago de Chile. With this network of offices and our international spirit we can assist you globally and accompany you in every step to your success!