InMindGroup is dedicated to becoming a professional and revolutionary headhuntingfirm with global presence. The Shanghai-based firm has set up three offices,respectively in Beijing and Shenzhen, Suzhou, and is aiming to extend itsinfluence across China and beyond. Its mission is to “improve recruitingefficiency by breaking the shackle of conventional models”. Having a profoundknowledge of enterprises’ HR demands, InMind Group is capable of finding thebest candidates suitable for different positions, thus ensuring a win-winresult for both talents and enterprises. Big Data Analytics Algorithmsl Attach distinctivelabels to candidate profiles for effective sourcing:On the basis ofcandidates' coding management and the original database, InMind Group’sexclusive big data center is established through information collection andprofile analysis, thereby constituting the foundation of the company’s gridservices. This management approach conduces to a thorough evaluation of thecandidates and effective sourcing of their profiles.l Standardized positionanalysis for precise matching:The positionrequirements are divided into pieces of multi-dimensional data and analyzed instandardized ways, thereby underpinning the grid services. Such measure ensuresa thorough analysis of the positions and, consequently, precise matching. Five Core StrengthslInnovativeWork Process lEfficientDatabase ManagementlHigh-endRecruiting SystemlExperiencedProfessional ConsultantslIndependentEvaluation ToolsDedication is why we areprofessionalWebreak the outdated passive searching practice and provide industry-leading gridservices --lFocuson industry segment:to provide the most up-to-date market information for efficient searching lToknow the candidates in depth: to provide thorough information of the candidatesfor precise evaluations lAnalyzeposition requirements: to gain a profound knowledge of enterprises’ recruitingdemands, thus ensuring each enterprise receives the most suitablerecommendations. You may entrust InMind Group withthe task to:l Find the rightcandidatesl Enhance employeestabilityl Shorten recruitingprocessl Improve interviewefficiency