南京金禾金家居用品有限公司是一家專業從事外貿禮品出口業務的服務型公司。成立于2000年。我們根據客戶的企業背景以及各種選題需求,策劃、設計、定制、團購各類精美禮品和的服務。秉承“據客戶之所需,薦客戶之所欲,供客戶之所足”的經營理念。我們創辦至今,以精良的設計水準,獨具慧眼的創意 ,成為客戶信賴的戰略性合作伙伴實現互動雙贏的佳合作模式。03年成為可口可樂大中華區指定供應商,08,09連續兩年被評為可口可樂大中華區大供應商,與此同時,和達能、雀巢、高露潔、電信業、金融業等成為了密切合作伙伴。我們邀請您的加入,您將和許多熱情、投入、富有開拓精神的同仁一起發揮您的才華,您的工作能力和創新精神必將大有用武之地。愿攜手共贏,夢想飛揚。Gold & Gold Home Furnishing (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. is a service company which specialize in exporting presents promotions premiums items. It established in year 2000.We are actively involved in providing presents according to our customers' backgrounds and various subjects they need.And we have established the business philosophy of "struggling to meet the clients' requirements in every aspects".With ten years of development, we became one of the assigned suppliers of Coca-Cola Asia-Pacific in 2003. Additionally, we have been rewarded as the biggest and the most outstanding supplier by Coca-Cola Greater China in Year 2008 and 2009. At the same time, we have good cooperation with Danone, Nestle, Colgate, and China Net etc.We kind invite you to join our company, you will work out your talents with many guys full of passion, exploit spirits, you may play your ability and creative spirit here.Wish a good cooperation with internal and international companies and make a win-win business in the future.