深圳市大鑫浪電子科技有限公司(Indasina Group)成立于2013年6月1日,公司致力于印度制造的藍海,以服務贏得未來,創造出獨特的售后服務體系,打造出在印度一支強勁的銷售精銳團隊。公司目前主要集中在印度快速發展的三大電子領域--電視、安防以及其他電子消費類產品(如機頂盒、UPS、...)并且分別建立起產品事業部和整個印度的售后服務體系。? ? ? Indasina Group 在中國深圳及印度新德里設有辦公室,其中中國深圳辦公室主要為采購及服務型部門,印度辦公室為銷售部門。2013年我們的營業收入已經達到7000萬人民幣,而在2016年印度全國的廢鈔危機下,我們仍創造近4億元的營業收入。? ? ? 我們已建立起完善的末位淘汰機制和以阿米巴為核心的運營機制,以“仁心經營,創新技術”的理念繼續創造indasina的輝煌。? ? ? 2017年是Indasina突飛猛進的一年,我們已經完成開拓了蘇丹、伊朗等市場,后期將重點關注南非、土耳其、俄羅斯等市場,Indasina的足跡將遍布各地。? ? ? ? INDASINA Group was founded in2013, the headquarters set up in Shenzhen, China, INDASINA Group engaged in product development, salesand service integration. As the rapid development of Delhi NCR and NOIDA, INDASINA has been shiftedto NOIDA sector-62 . Office areaincreased from 10 square meters to 450 square metersin 2015. ??????? The staff members became much more atthe same time. The company is committed to the marketof made in India, tocreate a service system towin the market in the future and astrong sales in India elite team. ??????? After few years of hard work, we have much acknowledgedthe history and culture of India, whichis more helpful for us to manage our team and market.? ? ? ??In the first year of the establishment our performance approached 70 million yuan.Within three years,we have double times the proportion of growth. In 2016 , even suffered the case ofIndia waste money event, we completed performancealso approached to 400 million yuan.