We are a new business team in Amazon platform. We are looking for you who are willing to join us. Perhaps we do not have enough experience and mature team, which is responsible for all Amazon process. But we have a factory and a stable supply chain to support us, our business team as well. There is no need for you to worry about the quality of products, all these products ship to warehouse?of?Amazon directly。 So ,nothing you need worry about, just focus on the platform of Amazon.公司簡介:深圳中世貿易有限公司成立于2015年。隸屬于福建省卡爾瓊斯貿易有限公司深圳分公司,位于深圳龍華新區。是一家集線上、線下、國內外貿易等為一體的專業貿易公司,具有完善的生產系統和銷售系統,并創立了自有品牌,主要經營3C電子、鞋服、床品等;公司以產品質量為先導,以用戶滿意為核心,以服務完善為后盾。不斷優化產品、創新技術、開發新品,滿足客戶需求,贏得客戶的選擇和信賴。我公司主要做電商平臺的銷售,主攻方向為亞馬遜Amazon平臺,另有速賣通、Wish 、國際阿里巴巴、國內天貓等平臺。我們只做精品銷售,自主研發、自主生產、經營自主品牌,不鋪貨、不跟賣。