奧洛拉國際貨運代理(上海)有限公司是一家總部設在南美,專業提供國際運輸、 進口、 出口和多式聯運服務的貨運代理公司。我們是一家以人為本的公司,我們認為每個人都應該注重專業技能的拓展及個人的成長。我們相信員工是公司重要的資產,并尋找合適的人選在這種環境中工作,我們總是盡力幫助每個員工在他們擅長的領域中取得成功。奧洛拉是一家快速成長的公司并將提供很多職業發展機會。AURORA ASIA PACIFIC is entrusted to the freight forwarding for international transportation, import, export and multi-modal transportation with headquarters in South America.We are a people oriented company in which we believe people should strive for growing professionally and personally every day. ?We believe our employees are our most important asset and we look for the right candidates to work on this kind of environment always trying to help them be successful in what they are best at. We are a fast-growing company with lots of opportunities within.