北京行天下汽車俱樂部是一家策劃汽車文化活動和組織大型自駕車活動的專業俱樂部。俱樂部擁有強大的社會資源,聚集了一批具有實踐經驗和較高專業素質的管理人員;并根據不同節氣時令、興趣愛好設計推出不同的自駕游線路;提供專業的路線選擇、出行準備、和服務指南,為旅游愛好者創造一個溫馨的家園。 高標準的服務追求。高水準的硬件設施,高素質的管理人員,為您和您的家人、朋友創造令您向往的旅游線路、專業的安全保證、貼心的自駕服務。 Beijing XTX Auto Club is a professional club to scheme the activities about auto culture and organize large self-driving activities. Our club has a broad social resource and lots of excellent managerial people with rich professional and practice experience. According to different seasons & climates and interests of participants different self-driving travel lines will be designed. So all the participants will be welcome and we can provide different lines, travel preparation and service guide to create a home-like atmosphere. We are pursuing high level service. Infrastructure of high level and managerial people of high quality will provide you and your family and friends with the most fascinating travel experience, the most professional safety guarantee and the most considerate self-driving services.