啟睿國際教育集團旗下“啟睿國際幼兒園”作為集團直營旗艦教育基地,肩負集團“面向國際,自主創新”的品牌教育眾望。幼兒園遵從自然、社會、家庭、園所四位一體的教育理念,自主研發符合國際IB教育理念的自主探究課程,實施“釋放天性,自主成長”的生活化、游戲化教育模式,培養有情懷、有態度的全面發展兒童。As the Group Direct flagship education based?on Charity International Education Group, The Charity International Kindergarten shoulders the expectations of building the branded education?called "Facing the world,?independent innovation".The Kindergarten complies with the education concepts of nature, society, family and campus.We're independently developing self-directed?inquiry courses in line with the international IB education concept. We implement the life-oriented and game-based education mode of releasing nature and independently growing up to cultivate all-round developed children with attitude.