施爾奇汽車系統有限公司是一家德國獨資企業,于1849年成立家族產業,自上世紀20年代以來一直扮演著汽車工業零部件供應商的角色。2010年施爾奇汽車系統正式加入江森自控集團,成為旗下全資子公司。2015年10月股份變更,由延鋒江森和金杯江森合資控股。我們掌握零部件設計到整個系統一體化的全部生產流程。因此我們取得了技術革新并且同時取得具有經濟價值的成果。今天,CRH已經成為了世界公認的汽車零部件制造。CRH的豐富經驗和技術革新能力使之在未來將成為汽車行業的佼佼者。公司若想在座椅創新設計的國際競爭中立于不敗之地,則需要員工具備專業知識和敬業精神,才能夠與公司共同發展。只有這樣,公司才能夠在國際市場中取得勝利并且持續地發展。我們為員工提供國際化背景的廣闊發展空間。歡迎加入我們沈陽的團隊!?CRH is working on tomorrow's automotive seating concepts ...today!CRH Automotive,? a Germany solely invested company founded as a family business in 1849 and has been a supplier to the automotive industry since the 1920s, which joined Johnson Control Group in 2010,and changed the shareholder as YFJC & SJJ in2015. The cornerstones of our success have always been quality and innovation.CRH can control the complete product development process, from the design and production of the individual components to the integration of the complete seat system. This allows CRH to develop cost-effective and exceptionally innovative design solutions. Today CRH is a world-known market leader in its field of expertise. CRH's capabilities, experience and innovation, ensure that we will continue to be a powerful partner in the automotive industrial of the future.Our innovative seating concepts usually place first in international competitions because of qualified and dedicated workforce that wants to develop and implement a collective vision. The consistent implementation of this vision is a key factor in our continued global growth and market success.We offer our employees excellent development possibilities in an international environment.Join our team in Shenyang.