北京君為仁和大型活動咨詢管理有限公司是一家專業(yè)的活動創(chuàng)意、策劃、設(shè)計、制作、管理與執(zhí)行的活動公司。以協(xié)助客戶推廣傳播品牌為使命,以不斷創(chuàng)新的創(chuàng)意和設(shè)計,嚴格精細的質(zhì)量控制和謙虛**的服務(wù)意識,在行業(yè)內(nèi)有享有良好的口碑,與眾多客戶有長期的合作。公司現(xiàn)有全職員工70人,積極、熱情、創(chuàng)新、負責(zé)任。總部在北京,上海設(shè)有分公司。我們一直致力于為我們的客戶提供盡善盡美的服務(wù)。我們的客戶包括但不限于以下世界500強公司:奔馳、寶馬、上海通用、奧迪、Tiffany、耐克、蘋果、匯豐......Founded in 1999, China Kingway Live Events is a leading professional event management company in China. We create, produce and manage events of various areas including corporate events (product launches, conferences), marketing programs (road shows, product launch events), and special corporate hospitality events (award ceremonies, gala nights), art, fashion and cultural events as well as public events. Our specialty is to seamlessly use the elements of art, culture and fashion as one of the tools to deliver the core value of the brands and to highlight the particular product, leaving great impression to both the clients and guests. China Kingway has been providing customized brand solutions for a growing list of clients, including many of the world’s most prestigious Fortune 500 companies like Mercedes Benz, BMW, SGM, Audi, Tiffany, Nike, Apple, HSBC …… 如果您對活動策劃富有激情,如果您是英語達人,如果您還有SAM/AM的event背景,那么來吧,Joinus.Kingwaywantyou!君為將為您提供一個璀璨的舞臺,這里有寶馬、奔馳、奧迪、英菲尼迪、芭莎、GQ等客戶項目,這里有國際頂級的媒體和藝人資源,這里還有激情似火的項目團隊,所有這些都將服務(wù)于您的創(chuàng)意。e-mail: hr@chinakingway lihuaqin@chinakingway 北京總部地址:朝陽區(qū)酒仙橋路14號兆維華燈大廈上海辦地址:上海市普陀區(qū)嵐皋路567號品尊國際中心B座11樓1165 郵編:200333