青島阿莫瑞工貿有限公司成立于2015年12月2日,為韓國獨資企業,法定代表人:高敦格,公司位于青島市城陽區城陽街道前旺疃社區西200米,距流亭國際機場、青島汽車北站僅15分鐘路程,緊臨204國道和青新、青龍高速城陽出入口,交通便捷。是一家集紙袋包裝品研發、生產、出口為一體的現代化企業,年出口量達到5000萬紙袋,出口產值近億元,公司95%以上的產品出口,主要出口歐美(德國、法國、英國、美國)、韓國等國,合作伙伴主要有:HD、LOET、哈雷等國際知名公司 。????? 公司一直奉行“以人為本”的管理思想,在管理上本著“公平、公正、公開”和“善待員工”的理念,同時注重企業文化建設,大力引進和培養人才,努力創造人才發揮的空間。QingDaoAmore is a professional manufacturer of paper bags and paper boxes for tenyears. Now our company is occupying 15,000m2 with 400 employees producing 40million bags and boxes annually.It’s equipped with printing machine, gravure machine, automatic laminationmachines, auto-matic UV machine, aqueous varnish machine and so on. As an over 13-year professional manufacturer, we’ve imported ink,paper and glue from Japan and South Korea for eight years. We’ve also sourced variouskinds of high-quality paper, ropes, ribbons and other main materials from longstandingsuppliers in China. And each process is done in-house, which can guarantee goodquality, low cost and quick delivery. For many years now, across Europe, the US,Japan and South Korea, we’ve attracted clients such as Harley Davidson , Prada,Burberry, Chanel, Ann Taylor and so on. You can join these buyers too. Don't delay– order now!!