“瑞安航空”品牌源于19世紀,瑞安航空(深圳)有限公司成立于2014年,中國區總部位于深圳,作為國內公務航空領域的新秀,在國內從事專業公務機租賃、私人飛機托管、公務機地面代理和維護、空中醫療救援等服務的中間運營商。我們是國內首家通過互聯網模式運營,打通航空公司、代理商及旅客之間關系,實現無縫對接服務,為旅客提供優質的出行服務。? ??2016年瑞安航空公司旗下成立“空乘圓夢會”,為更多的年輕人實現空乘夢想,飛翔藍天!我們為會員提供網絡在線咨詢服務,內容包括(面試恐懼癥、應試能力、心理疏導、職業精準定位)等,以及為會員解答面試過程中遇到的各種問題和困難,我們在全國30多個省級城市設立面試前“72H”突擊指導服務點,讓全國各地的會員方便快捷享受到高品質的人性化指導服務,從而提高會員的初試合格率,此外“空乘圓夢會”還專項“一對一”定制培養“金牌夢想會員”,保障百分百的面試錄取率,讓的會員如愿以償實現夢想!我們將一如既往為更多的會員提供貼心服務,為會員及時實現空乘夢想而努力!瑞安航空未來將通過互聯網無縫對接系統更方便的接近旅客,使旅客享受更方便快捷、性價比高的出行體驗,引導旅客使用無線終端系統即可完成便捷的出行服務,更省時、省心、省力。? ??瑞安航空依托互聯網為載體與無線終端實現無縫對接,使客戶可以更加便捷快速的實現服務、溝通的一體化(值機、行李托運、旅行服務、私人訂制、簽證、過關等)享受無線終端所帶來的出行服務。公司將互聯網航空產業與傳統產業結合,使旅客出行成本減負、服務體驗升級;其次為傳統航空產業打造專一特定的服務渠道,進行品牌資源的整合及宣傳,更能精準鎖定目標消費群體,為傳統渠道的線下交易形成了強有力的推動。瑞安航空將跨界、融合、連接一切成為現實,移動應用的快速發展及移動用戶量的需求體驗服務也在變化,全新的一體化無線系統將給客戶帶來前所未有的全新感受。????"Ruian Airlines" brand originated in the 19th century and Ruian airlines?(Shenzhen) co., LTD., founded in 2014, headquartered in Shenzhen, China, As a rookie in domestic business aviation, in the domestic engaged in the professional executive leasing, private plane managed, executive land agents and maintenance, air medical rescue services such as the middle of the operator. We are the first in China to operate through the Internet mode, to connect the airline, the agent and the passengers, to realize the seamless docking service, to provide the passengers with high-quality travel services.In 2016, Ruian airlines?launched the "empty dream club", to realize the dream for more young people and fly in the sky! We provide online consulting service for members, including phobias (interview, examination skills, psychological counseling, professional precision positioning), etc., and for the member to solve various problems and difficulties encountered in the interview process, we set up more than 30 provincial towns across the country "72 h" assault guidance service point before the interview, make convenient members across the country enjoy the high quality of human nature guidance services, to provide high member first percent of pass, the flight attendant interpreta dream will also special "one to one" custom culture "gold medal dream member", guarantee acceptance rate of interview, make excellent members to realize dream!!!!! We will continue to provide thoughtful service for more members, and we will work hard for the members to realize the dream of flight.Ruian airlines, the future will be seamless docking system via the Internet more convenient close to the passenger, the passengers to enjoy more convenient and cost-effective travel experience, and guide travelers to use wireless terminal system can complete the perfect convenient travel services, save time, save worry, and effort.Ruian airlines, relying on the Internet as the carrier and the wireless terminal to realize seamless docking, make the customer can more convenient and fast to realize the integration of service, communication (check-in, baggage, travel services, private ordering, visa, pass, etc.) enjoy wireless terminals perfect travel services.The company combines the Internet aviation industry with traditional industries to reduce the cost of passenger travel and upgrade the service experience. Followed by traditional aviation industry to build a specific service channel specificity, propaganda brand resources integration and comprehensive, more accurate target consumer groups, for the traditional channels of offline trade formed a strong push.Ruian airlines?connect crossover, fusion, all become a reality, the rapid development of mobile applications and mobile users demand experience also in change, a new integrated wireless system will bring unprecedented new feeling to the customer.