TI汽車集團(中文譯名:迪安汽車部件(天津)有限公司)是**化的汽車零部件供應商, 向顧客提供完整的燃油儲存和輸送系統及制動管路系統產品,是**汽車行業中具有地位的系統供應商,具有在電子油泵、多層油箱、油箱總成、多層尼龍軟管、硬管和快裝接頭等方面的技術,為世界汽車工業提供全面的解決方案。 TI汽車集團于2002年在中國天津投資建設中國首家生產塑料油箱系統的獨資企業—TI天津工廠,近年來TI天津更是獲得了飛速發展,業務范圍不斷擴大,合作伙伴也在不斷增多,北京奔馳、東風標致、一汽大眾、長城汽車、福建戴姆勒、東風日產、廣汽豐田也都先后成為我們的客戶,生產規模、銷售額及員工數量逐年增長。作為一家擁有百年歷史的跨國公司,TI對中國市場抱有堅定的信心,我們將以尖端的技術和可靠的質量與中國汽車行業共同發展。TI Automotive is a global supplier of fully integratedfuel storage and delivery systems for cars and trucks and the leading supplierof fluid carrying systems for braking and powertrain applications to automakersworldwide. TI provides OEMs comprehensive solutions with complete fuel storageand delivery systems, from filler pipe, fuel tank, fuel pump to fuel line andfuel rail. Our global customer base includes every major Original EquipmentManufacturer (OEM) in the world. And we are able to maintain theserelationships by continually adapting as the automotive industry's boundariesexpand across the globe. TI Tianjin plant was established in 2002 as the firstforeign company which product plastic tank in China. We are expanding rapidlyby setting up partnership with OEMs like BBAC, PSA , FAW, Great Wall, Toyota,VW, Nissian etc. and our production capability, sales volume and employeesnumber increase year by year. As a global company with the history of more thanone hundred years, TI has strong faith to the market in China and we willdevelop with China auto motive industry together by providing sophisticatedtechnology and reliable quality.