總部位于瑞士的歐米亞集團成立于1884年,高級碳酸鈣制造行業中世界市場的占有率達70%。公司在世界50多個國家設有150多家工廠。歐米亞集團主要針對的市場是紙業,塑料,油漆/圖層/粘合劑工業等以及其他建筑,環境,農業,食品和制藥等工業領域。歐米亞在120多年的發展過程中,擁有先進的生產技術、檢測手段和強大的科研力量,積聚了豐富的市場營銷經驗。同時,歐米亞集團還為用戶提供完善的技術咨詢服務。歐米亞(上海)企業管理有限公司位于上海浦東新區,作為歐米亞在中國區的總部,其管理、發展、及開拓歐米亞在中國常熟,南京,南昌,牡丹江林口,湖州,東莞,江門及安徽青陽等設立的分公司和工廠以及4個礦山作為原材料資源供給。隨著公司的高速發展,誠邀更多人才的加盟。歐米亞為員工提供廣闊的發展空間和施展才華的舞臺,并提供有競爭力的薪酬福利待遇和跨國文化的工作環境,和公司共同成長,共享美好未來!The global leading supplier of white minerals founded in 1884. Omya group has now owned more than 150 plants in over 50 different countries in the world after more than 120 years continuous development, which headquarter is located in Oftringen, Switzerland.The company‘s major markets are the paper, plastics, paint/coatings/adhesives industries as well as construction, environment, agriculture, food and pharma.Omya have the world's advanced technology and testing method, great scientific research strength, and accumulate rich experiences in marketing. Omya also provide our customer with consummate technical consulting services.Omya (Shanghai) Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. located in Pudong new district is his head office of China, who help manage, develop and expand Omya’s satellite offices and factories in Changshu, Nanjing, Nanchang, Mudanjiang, Huzhou, Dongguan, Jiangmen and Anhui as well as four mines supply raw materials.We offers a challenging job opportunity and a competitive salary package as well as a multinational culture environment to attract highly motivated talents, to enhance our organization capacity as well as realize a promising personal development along with the company growth.歡迎登陸我們的網站:www.omya