GOM is a global industrial manufacturer that develops and produces optical measurement solutions and technologies for 3D coordinate measurement and deformation analysis. GOM‘s measuring systems are based on digital image processing and are used in product development, quality assurance, material and component testing.Optical measuring technology and full-field surface measurement systems have become standard tools within virtually all industries. GOM‘s measurement systems provide invaluable data and results for quality control in modern product development and production process chains.Users of GOM systems include international companies from the automotive, aviation, aerospace and consumer goods industries, their suppliers as well as research institutions and universities from all over the globe.Today, GOM consists ofGOM mbH, Braunschweig, Germany (Headquarters)GOM branch South, Bibertal near Ulm, Germany GOM branch Benelux, Leuven, BelgiumGOM International AG, Widen near Zurich, SwitzerlandGOM France SAS, Ris Orangis near Paris, France GOM Italia Srl,Milan, Italy GOM UK Ltd, Coventry, United Kingdom GOM Optical Measuring Techniques (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., China GOM 公司作為**性的工業產品制造商,開發和生產光學測量系統,為三維坐標測量和變形分析等提供相關解決方案。GOM 測量系統以數字圖像處理技術為基礎,廣泛應用于產品開發、質量保證以及材料和組件檢測。 光學測量技術和全場型面測量系統已成為幾乎所有行業內的標準工具。GOM 測量系統為現代化的產品開發和生產過程鏈中的質量控制提供寶貴的數據和結果。GOM 測量系統的用戶遍布世界各地,領域涉及汽車制造、航空航天、消費品企業及其供應商和各種研究機構。GOM 如今包括:GOMmbH(總部,德國布倫瑞克)GOM 德國南部分公司(德國烏爾姆附近的 Bibertal)GOM 比荷盧分公司(比利時魯汶)GOMInternational AG (GOM 國際股份公司)(瑞士蘇黎世附近的 Widen)GOM France SAS (GOM 法國SAS)(法國巴黎附近的 Ris Orangis)GOM Italia Srl (GOM 意大利Srl)(意大利米蘭)GOM UK Ltd. (GOM 英國有限公司)(英國考文垂)GOM Asia (GOM亞洲分部)(中國上海)歡迎訪問公司網站:www.gom