Focusing on space & environment development, Insideco specializes in interior design and construction and project management. With abundant experience and high level professionalism, we desire for integrating clients’ corporate culture into high quality space that is functional, environmental and comfortable.We have experienced designers, project management professionals, engineers, material specialists, M&E consultants and construction teams, which ensure Insideco is able to provide all around and whole process services from site survey to concept design; from detailed design development to construction on site; from risk evaluation to schedule control etc.Insideco attaches importance to every potential client and is willing to build long-term relationship with them. We are inspired by any opportunities to realize the value of Insideco - that is the way to make real your requirements and expectations to space environment.英氏德珂裝飾工程(北京)有限公司專注于發展空間藝術,是一家從事辦公、 商業等多類型空間設計、施工以及項目管理的專業公司,服務過眾多**500強跨國公司及國內各行業優質企業。基于團隊豐富的經驗和專業水準,我們追求將客戶多元的企業文化融入到實用、環保、舒適的高品質空間環境內。公司擁有一批具備豐富經驗的建筑及室內設計師、項目管理、工程師、材料、機電顧問和施工隊伍。能夠為客戶提供包括從現場考察到概念設計,從圖紙深化到現場施工,從風險評估到進度控制在內的、全過程精致服務。我們將重視每一位客戶并提供長期持續的服務,也將每一個項目都視為實現公司價值的契機。希望與各位有志之士共同努力,幫助客戶實現對空間環境的期待,也實現對個人理想的追求。