CHINA WINDOW Consulting Group was established in 2000 by foreign lawyers with years of experience of practicing and living in China.OUR GOAL is to provide legal, tax, accounting and market-entry advisory services for international businesses.At present CHINA WINDOW Consulting Group brings together more than 30 professionals with degrees from universities in several countries and many years of practical experience in Chinese and Hong Kong law, taxation and accounting.Our companies are licensed to do business in China、Russian and Hong Kong.Our offices are situated in the key Chinese cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. In March 2015 we established our subsidiary in the UK and opened our office in London.Our longstanding presence in China created an extensive network of Chinese lawyers, accountants and other professionals, as well as contacts in Chinese government agencies.我司主要提供企業登記代理,企業管理咨詢,市場營銷咨詢(**廣告),投資咨詢,國際經濟信息咨詢,貿易信息咨詢,財務管理咨詢。