東藍文化傳播機構以文化創意為核心驅動力,擅長文化,藝術、音樂領域的跨界傳播以及深度互動增值服務,為客戶提供品牌傳播戰略以及市場推廣的規劃與執行,服務范疇涵蓋公共關系管理,活動策劃與執行,創意設計,空間設計,藝術策展等領域。我們是一家年輕的公司,小而美的規模,專注做有趣、有影響力的藝文類項目,真誠歡迎志同道合者的加入。關注微博微信和登陸網站了解更多信息。網站:www.easternblue 微信/微博:東藍文化About Easternblue CommunicationsEastern Blue Communications (EBC) is an integrated PR&Advertising agency focused on cultural creativity, offering clients branding and communications solutions with distinguished skills on cross boundaries marketing and value added service. Our service scope includes: Public Relations Communications, Event planning and management, creative design, space design, art exhibition etc. ?EBC bridges and integrates high quality resources in the fields of culture, art and music with our clients in accordance with each individual and spectacular brand spirit. Our multi-dimension communications strategy, technics and outstanding execution, wins EBC firm and long-term relationships with our clients. Clients realize that what we have brought to their brands is a significant and long lasting contribution to the brand value. Our recent projects include: the only authorized PR agency for the famous music hall Elphilharmonie, Hamburg, German, and ?Modern Drama Valley, Shanghai,Jingan, etc.