恩教時代教育咨詢(北京)有限公司(英國時代教育中國辦公室)總部位于英國伯明翰,擁有專業的服務團隊,是英國百余所所高校及教育機構的官方招生合作機構。時代教育為在英國和中國境內的中國學生提供專業的留學、簽證申請及學歷學位認證指導等服務,現已成為英國發展快的教育咨詢機構之一。UK SHIDAI EDUCATION (Part of W.L.Land Limited) is one of the leading providers of educational consultancy services in the UK. Located in the city centre of Birmingham, we specialises in providing educational planning as well as university and college application services for international students within the UK and overseas. Our professional and experienced educational consultants will evaluate each student’s situation and design the optimal educational plan. Every student receives one-to-one counseling and help with choice of institutions, choice of proposed programme, entry requirements, accommodation and future career. We aim to provide high quality consultancy services for international students.