Swire Cold Chain Logistics (Shanghai) Company Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Swire Pacific Cold Storage Limited (SPCS). Swire group is a global leader in the cold storage and cold chain industry, and we currently own over 60 cold storages in Australia, USA, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and China. We are building a nation-wide cold chain business in mainland China to capture the rapid growth in the burgeoning high-quality food supply chain industry. Backed by Swire Group's decades worth of operational excellence and market leadership experience in US and Australia cold storage and cold chain markets, we strive to become the industry leader in this segment to provide quality service for the foods and ingredients industry.太古冷鏈物流(上海)有限公司是太古冷藏倉庫有限公司的全資子公司, 也是香港大、歷史悠久的集團之一——太古股份有限公司的成員。同屬太古股份有限公司的兄弟公司還包括:國泰航空、港龍航空、太古飲料、太古地產、太古資源、太古汽車、太古糖業等。太古集團在冷藏倉庫及冷鏈行業處于**地位,在澳洲、美國、越南、斯里蘭卡和中國擁有超過60座冷庫。我們致力于在中國大陸打造一個全國性的冷鏈業務以滿足高品質食物供應鏈產業的極速發展需求?;谔偶瘓F幾十年來在美國和澳洲的冷庫及冷鏈市場取得的成功經驗和地位,我們將努力在中國大陸的這個領域成為行業領頭羊,為食品和原料行業提供高品質的服務。