“西安電子城能動英語”是由北京能動時代教育科技股份有限公司授權"西安睿麒企業文化傳播有限公司"加盟并經營的英語培訓學校。公司由留美博士、微軟挪威公司高管、醫學博士等精英人士組建。公司采用外企的管理模式、扁平管理,必將成為您事業騰飛的平臺!“Xi'an Dianzicheng Dynamic English” is operated independently by Xi'an Boray Enterprise& Culture Consulting Co., Ltd, which is authorized by the Beijing Dynamic English headquarter.The company uses flat organizational structure and humane management, and provides the employees a great start of their careers.“能動英語”教學體系具備中美核心專利技術、完全遵循英語語言內在規律,是真正授之以漁的系統化、標準化的英語教育產品和教學體系。Dynamic English is special, compared with other existing English education systems, by utilizing the combined benefits of the patented technology, an excellent curriculum system, scientific and advanced education principles and standardized management model.能動英語具備的專利技術、系統完善的課程體系、科學先進的教育理念和標準化的經營管理模式,是不同于目前大眾英語培訓的少兒英語培訓品牌。能動英語可以使學習者不讀字母、不用音標,達到見詞能讀、提筆能寫、張口能說、聽詞能懂的程度,并且使學習者在閱讀中積累英語知識,同時以此為基礎,全面發展聽、說、讀、寫的能力。Dynamic English can empower learners to pronounce words directly without knowing International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), to spell words directly based on the pronunciation, and to understand the language structure easier and faster from reading practices. With these great tools, it provides a comprehensive solution for developing the four essential language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writings.能動英語對于學習者而言,是一種獨特的學習方法;對于教師來講,是一個獨到的教學體系。For learners, Dynamic English is a unique learning system. For teachers, it is a great way to help students master the language.