諾證(Aurum Testing& Certification)是專注于國際標準檢測、認證、檢驗及咨詢的第三方服務機構,通過標準符合性評估與鑒定來獲得產品的**市場準入許可,從而幫助企業降低風險、改善績效、促進可持續發展。Aurum Testing & Certification Co., Ltd,as a reliable third-party service company, specializes in testing、certification、inspectionand consultation as well. Our aim is to provide our customers with an easy andquick access to the world market, providing our customers with an easy andquick access to the world market by product evaluation and certification to thelatest regulations and standards, reducing risk, improving performance andpromoting sustainable development.?公司擁有嚴格按照 IEC 17025標準建立的實驗室,具備國際電工委員會電工產品合格測試與認證組織 IECEE 認可的 CBTL、國家認可機構中國合格評定國家認可委員會(China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment)CNAS 認可、及中國計量認證認可(ChinaMetrology Accreditation ) CMA、CMF 食品檢測資質,檢測報告得到美國、英國、德國等 74 個國家及地區實驗室的認可,具有國際公信力。Withlaboratories recognized and accredited by CNAS/CMA based on IEC 17025, We areauthorized to perform testing according to various national, regional, andinternational standards.