南京華美教育信息咨詢有限公司成立于2011年3月,是一家專門提供美國留學規劃、考試規劃、申請輔導、簽證輔導等多項專業咨詢服務的咨詢機構。我們以專業、誠信的服務精神成功幫助了數百名學子申請到美國前50名高校并獲得高額獎學金。現因擴大業務,正籌建常州分部,誠邀您加入我們的團隊,這里為您提供豐富知識的機會,是您施展才華的舞臺。WalmayEducation and Information Consultancy Co. Ltd. in Nanjing is engaged inproviding a wide range of professional services for overseas study, including overseasstudy planning, examination tutoring, college application consultation and visaguidance, etc. As our business is expanding rapidly, we are looking forself-motivated, responsible and hardworking full-time employees to enhance ourteam. If you are interested in working in a diverse environment, don't hesitateto contact us! Please send your updated resume to us.We will contact potential candidates for interviews within 2 weeks uponreceiving applications.