HVA International Trade Shanghai is a wholly owned subsidiary ofSingapore HVA that provides solutions in Odour Management (SL-Deo Brand) andScenting (Scentline Brand) across Asia Pacific.?SCENTLINE is a creative scent manager for hospitality, F&B, retail andoffice space.? Our partnership withworld's largest fragrance creator, International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF)allows us to provide an extensive range of scents and the opportunity to curatethe best possible scent solution for customers. SCENTLINE creates perfumeryexperiences by bringing together fragrances, functionality, and appropriatedelivery system as a total customer solution package.?SL-Deo Odour Remover has more than ten kinds of natural plantextracts, uniquely crafted with Japanese technology for over 30 years. Odoursfrom renovation, tobacco, drainage are removed as treatment procedure orintegrated into daily maintenance of rooms and walkways, giving a "NaturalSmell of Clean."? SL-Deo NaturalOdour removing solutions are found in more than 1000 installations across AsiaPacific like Japan, China, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam andMyanmar.?葳灃國際貿易(上海)有限公是新加坡HVA全資子公司,在亞太地區,擁有氣味管理控制品牌“SL-Deo凈林”和嗅覺感受品牌”SCENTLINE圣特蘭” 。凈林使用無化學香精的天然植物提取物,快速、有效處理和控制,房間及走道的裝修,煙味,下水道等異味,達到自然干凈的味道。SCENTLINE圣特蘭品牌,為大堂客戶提供香氛服務。我們的合作伙伴是**大的香味創造者,國際香料(IFF)已經為眾多客戶提供好的香氣,SCENTLINE圣特蘭,創香的經驗通過結合香味,功能性,和適當的擴散系統,確保為客戶提供香氛解決方案。?SL-Deo凈林,由十幾種天然植物提取,采用日本30多年獨特工藝,混合加工而成,利用中和分解(絕非覆蓋)祛味原理,創造自然干凈的空間。目前在亞太地區,日本、中國、新加坡、菲律賓、印度尼西亞,越南和緬甸,為酒店業(裝修祛味,日常運營祛味,酒店大堂加香)、餐飲業,食品加工業,公共衛生業和休閑娛樂業等市場,提供了超過了1000多個解決方案。