來英教育是一家集成人英語培訓、青少兒英語培訓、在線教育、海外游學、出國考試培訓、出國留學咨詢為一體的綜合性教育集團。成立于2012年的來英教育,目前在北京市,江蘇省,四川省,重慶市,江西省,湖北省,湖南省等多地開設分校,總部位于中國北京。因其獨特有效的教學方法、過硬的教學質量、優質的服務,深受學員好評,并多次獲得騰訊、新浪教育榜樣教育機構榮譽,現已成為了英語培訓行業的知名品牌。LOVING Education is a comprehensive English education group consisting of adult and child in person training, online training, overseas study tour programs, international entrance exam training and study abroad consultation.Founded in 2012, LOVING Education currently has established branches in Beijing, Jiangsu province, Sichuan province, Chongqing, Jiangxi province, Hubei province, Hunan province, and more; the headquarters is located in Beijing.Attributing to its unique and effective teaching methods, high quality teaching, and good services, LOVING is spoken highly of by students and has received multiple honors as a model education institution from Tencent and Xinlang education. It is now a very well-known brand in the English training industry.