野望是一家專注于為客戶提升產品力的創新設計公司。野望成立于2012年,并迅速由一家工業設計事務所發展成為一家實力雄厚的整合創新設計公司,總部位于廣州。?秉承“產品價值成長伙伴”的經營理念,野望目前致力于發展整合設計服務,為客戶提供產品創新設計整體解決方案。其中整合設計服務為客戶提供以產品力為核心的系統設計解決方案,內容包括產品定義、結構設計、產品設計、品牌設計、產品包裝設計、模具監理等業務。YWID?is an innovative design company focused on enhancing product capabilities for customers. ?YWID?was founded in 2012 and rapidly developed by an industrial design firm into a strong integrated innovation design company headquartered in Guangzhou.?Adhering to the " product value growth partners" business philosophy, YWID?into the open is committed to the development of integrated design services to provide customers with innovative design of the overall solution. The integrated design service provides customers with a system design solution with product force as the core, including product definition, structural design, product design, brand design, product packaging design, mold supervision and other business.