青島華誠創富科技有限公司? ? ? ?是一家專注于外匯交易市場研究和自動交易系統研發的科技公司。華誠創富的創辦人積極跟隨與探索金融市場的盈利模式,于2009年在新西蘭奧克蘭組建了專業的研發團隊,包括有20年以上經驗的資深交易員,金融數學統計,金融風控和程序軟件。歷時3年,于2012年成功推出智能交易系統。經過2012年到2015年4年的實盤運行,智能交易系統運轉平穩,安全可靠,收益可觀,取得了年回報率超過30%的好成績。華誠創富于2015年進入香港市場,于2016年在山東青島開設了大陸地區的**家分公司。自公司誕生開始,就樹立了為廣大投資者普及外匯投資知識,為廣大投資者尋求外匯投資機會和為廣大投資者在外匯市場取得穩健盈利的發展目標。致力于為我國廣大外匯投資者帶來嚴謹,**,透明的專業投資服務。World Treasure Creation Technology Limited?World Treasure Creation Technology Limited is a technology firm which focuses on worldwide FOREX trading research and development of FOREX Expert Advisor. The founder of World Treasure Creation follows and studies the market trend in order to find a way of making stable profit. A research team including experienced FOREX dealers over 20years, financial statistics expert, risk control specialist and professional software developers was founded in 2009 in Auckland, New Zealand. After 3 years, the first version of expert advisor was released. From 2012 to 2015, the Expert Advisor ran smoothly, safe and reliable. ?It achieved an average annual return which is more than 30% over 4 years.World Treasure Creation Technology Limited entered Hong Kong in 2015 and set up the first branch within mainland China in 2016. Since World Treasure Creation was founded, the establishment of the firm was made. To help investors understand and enter the FOREX market, to seek investment opportunities for investors and to help investors achieved stable profit from FOREX market. We, World Treasure Creation are committed to provide disciplined, efficient and effective service.