公司簡介廣州多普森汽車配件有限公司成立于2003年,是一家集研發銷售一體的現代化科技公司,公司擁有實驗室、技術研發中心及外貿銷售等職能部門,集聚著一批經驗豐富、研究性強的技術工程師和現代型的企業員工,專業研發生產燃油泵、燃油泵總成、汽油格、點火線圈、火花塞、噴油嘴、油位傳感器和水溫傳感器等系列產品。多普森公司的銷售網絡遍布南美洲、非洲、中東,東南亞等30多個國家和地區,以國際化的視野把握著市場的每一次脈動。廣州多普森汽車配件有限公司的企業立場是:“讓品質來選擇市場”。以人為本,廣州多普森汽車配件有限公司將科技、工藝和管理三者有機地結合在一起。公司秉承"顧客至上,銳意進取"的經營理念,堅持"客戶**"的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。Company IntroductionGuangzhou Dopson Auto Parts Co.,Ltd,established in 2003,is a modernized technology company which integrates the R&Dand sales .we have our own laboratory,technological research center and oversea sales department and other functional department,gathering a group of experienced and creative technology engineers as well as the modernize enterprise staffs. What’s more, we are specializing in the series offuel pump,fuel pump assembly,fuel filter, ignition coil, spark plug, injector,oil level sensor,water temperature sensor and so on.With our broad international vision and variety of products ,our sales channels spreads more than 30 countries and areas,such as South America,Africa,Middle East,Southeast Asia,ect.Wepay high attention tothe qualityas we believe that “Quality is the key to choose market”and we insist on people-oriented.Guangzhou Dopson Auto Parts Co.,Ltd integrated with the technology,crafts and management together,to provide the best service for our clients with the operation principle of “Customers foremost,forge ahead.”.