北京東方藝盟教育咨詢有限公司(IAIA)是專門為中國學生申請海外藝術院校提供培訓與留學相關服務的唯一專業部門。 作為藝術留學的高品質培訓與服務部門,我們為中國學生提供專業的作品集培訓、海外院校申請、簽證申請等的服務,是倫敦藝術大學北京代表處唯一官方合作機構。? 由于多年從事海外藝術院校申請的指導工作,我們擁有豐富的申請經驗和來自頂級藝術院校的培訓教師,并和許多海外藝術類院校建立了密切的合作關系;同時作為擁有豐富留學服務經驗的留學機構,我們也匯集了專門申請院校的咨詢和文案老師,保證從每一個細節上都能提供優質的服務,為學生申請的大學提供大的保證。我們的特色:?1、 強大的師資團隊:全部來自海外頂級藝術院校研究生畢業;掌握海外院校錄取標準、作品集要求、作品集評審程序等**手信息;擁有豐富的海外藝術教育思維模式的培訓經驗。2、 獨特的培訓課程:我們以作品集為導向的培訓課程完全不同于國內任何藝術、繪畫等基礎美術培訓課程。啟發學生創意能力、挖掘無限藝術潛能是我們培訓課程的核心和宗旨。完全引用國外頂級藝術院校的教學模式,真正讓學生準備出出色的作品集。更重要的是為將來步入國外頂級藝術院校后,能夠完全適應學校的要求、很好的完成學業打好堅實的基礎。?3、 專業的留學服務團隊:?匯集了多年從事留學申請的咨詢和文案老師。來自于品牌留學機構的資深老師,擁有多年成功申請頂級院校的工作經驗。在留學文書和簽證方面都有著很高的專業水準。4、 頂級海外藝術院校的合作關系:我們的培訓部門是倫敦藝術大學北京辦公室唯一指定的培訓服務合作機構。深入了解每一申請要求和細節,成為申請的大保障。同時,與英國和美國其他藝術院校也有很多合作,擁有成功申請英美頂級藝術院校的豐富經驗。? ?International Art Institutes Association was established by the Center in 2007 to provide specialized service for students who plan to take advanced study at world renowned art & design institutions in America, United Kingdom and Europe. Based on good cooperation with foreign art schools and universities, ample experiences of application and with professional tutors who graduate from top art institutions, we provide Chinese art students with one-stop service including educational consulting, time planning, English language training, application and portfolio preparation guidance.By 2011 International Art Institutes Association has become the leading service agency and training organization for overseas art study. We are the only one in the industry that introduces creative art training courses directly from world top art & design institutions to China. We are also very proud that in recent 3 years, i.e. from 2011 to 2014, we’ve provided professional service for altogether 1071 students who got successfully admitted by distinguished schools like Royal College of Art, University of the Arts London, Edinburgh College of Art, University College London, Parsons the New School for Design, School of Visual Arts, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, California College of the Arts, Pratt Institute and so on.Now, with high reputation and our quality and heartful service, International Art Institutes Association is expecting an increasing number of students every year. We will stick to our commitment, make every effort to do our best and serve as a bridge between excellent students and distinguished art schools.