蘇州恒美電子科技有限公司成立于2009年,是一家以高新技術為起點,著眼于新能源汽車及工業控制、醫療健康等產業領域,是新能源汽車及工業控制領域內的綜合方案解決供應商。我們以可靠和靈活為出發點,提供從研發、生產、測試、銷售到售后服務于一體的服務,為客戶實現一站化服務。?我們的產品:新能源汽車“三電”控制器—電池管理系統(BMS)、電機控制器(MCU)和整車控制器(VCU)。?核心價值觀:客戶**、正道經營、團隊合作、創新創意、引領變革、追求共贏。企業愿景:立志成為新能源汽車核心零部件國內企業。企業使命:通過持續的技術革新、管理優化為我們的客戶、股東、員工和供應商提供一個持續發展、互惠共贏的平臺。?目前,公司處于快速發展階段。我們誠邀各類人才加入恒美,一起努力,共創未來!?(公司地處地鐵4號線同里站附近,交通便利)SuzhouHengmei Electron Technology Inc. was established in 2009, which is a hightechnology company focusing on new energy vehicles, industrial control, healthcareand so on. The company is the leading supplier to provide comprehensive solutionsof new energy vehicles and the field of industrial control. ?Inthe meantime, orientated reliable and flexible, we provide R&D, production,testing, sales and services to achieve one-stop service for customers.?Ourproducts contain three electrons – BMS, MCU and VCU for new energy vehicles.?CoreValues:CustomerFirst, Right Operation, Teamwork, Innovation, Lead the change, Pursue Win-winMissionProvidinga sustainable and mutual beneficial platform to our customers, shareholders,employees and suppliers by continuous technological innovation and managementoptimization.Vision:Weare determined to become the leading domestic enterprises in the core parts ofnew energy vehicles.?Weinvite talents sincerely to join together to create a good prospects!