湖北和譽辦公環境設計有限公司,是美國辦公家具品牌HermanMiller公司在湖北武漢的獨家銷售公司,Herman Miller是**知名家具品牌之一,1905年成立于美國密歇根,納斯達克上市公司。涉足辦公、醫療、學校和民用4大板塊,尤其在辦公家具行業一直引領著行業潮流,人體工學辦公解決方案一直深受廣大企業的青睞,長期服務世界500強企業及各行業的龍頭企業,并與Microsoft、Google、Cisco、Intel、Qualcomm等公司同時評為**“受尊敬公司”、“百佳雇主”、“有創新能力的50家公司?!盚erman Miller is one of best furniture companies in the world which was established at Michigan in 1905 and listed in NASDAQ in 1970's. We focus at furniture in different filed, in particular for office. Herman Miller is always leading the trend of the office fashion. In addition, ergonomics technology of Herman Miller is also popular in the worldwide enterprises. Advancing in line with Microsoft, Google, Cisco, Intel and Qualcomm, we were appraised as “the most admired company”,“the top 100 employers” and “the top 50 innovative companies", Herman Miller established long-term business relationship with Fortune top 500 companies as well as leading companies in their field.