無錫博科思進出口有限公司專注于精品禮盒的設計及銷售,公司坐落于江蘇省無錫惠山萬達廣場B座2012-2015,現有員工50人,公司下設淮安宏廣禮盒包裝有限公司及江陰市日益美塑料包裝制品有限公司兩個制造工廠。產品包括各類珠寶盒、化妝箱、香水盒、酒類皮盒、茶葉皮盒,食品盒等中高檔禮品的包裝盒及辦公文具如文件夾,筆筒等等,主要銷往歐美和中東地區。服務于不同行業的經歷使得公司在產品款式、用料、工藝等各環節都積累了豐富的實踐經驗,不管是來樣定制,還是量身設計定做包裝都是我們的強項。Wuxi Box Imp&Exp CO., LTD. Specializes in designing and selling quality gift box. We are located at rm2012-2015,buldg B wanda plaza huishan dist wuxi. We not only have 50 employees in the design and sales team, but also hold two manufactories to produce the same products. Our main products including jewelry box, wine box, perfume box , cosmetic box are mainly exported to Europe, Middle East and U.S.A.By serving the clients from different business, we gain rich experience in designing, material using and technical works. Besides sampling production, original design and specific design are our advantage.