BLUEBERRY IMPEX CO., LTD.is one of the leading prestigious fast developing firms in the field of Clothing,Textiles and Home Textile Companys in China , Our group incorporated in Hongkong and one of the leading diversified business conglomerate with our offices in Guangzhou,China,Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam & Mumbai,India,BLUEBERRY IMPEX CO., LTD has manufacturing bases in China,Vietnam& India,We are uniquely located to handle all types of Clothing, Textiles and Home textiles products in the latest international trends.Our Products are strictly produced based on our customer needs. We have well qualified sourcing teams that ensures our clients get the best Prices & Quality with on time delivery. Our commitment to producing outstanding quality items in Mens, Womens & Childrens clothing is second to none. We are very Uniquely located in guangzhou, china has Textile market is Guangzhou , China which is large source of all the new fabrics and trends, also the able to get the fast sourcing of smaller qtys of the new fabrics for fashion business and supplied to our manufacturing basis,We are Mainly dealing in Clothing,Textiles and Home Textiles from China,