蘇州市東山友華機械有限公司,坐落于風景秀麗、交通便利的蘇州市東山科技工業園內,是一家專業從事精密機械部件生產及加工的企業。公司成立于1992年,目前固定資產3000萬元,占地面積13350平方米,其中廠房面積為9000平方米。主要業務為閥門、水泵、電機、紡機等配件的生產,其中大部分產品出口到歐美國家。? 我公司已通過 ISO9001:2008質量管理體系認證。我公司以一切為滿足客戶需求為宗旨,因此一直被客戶評為免檢單位。這也使本公司在同行業中獲得了聲譽和發展。? 目前我公司的主要合作企業包括:賽科閥門有限公司、歐瑞康(中國)科技有限公司、上海凱士比泵有限公司、上海博格曼有限公司、泰科流體控制(北京)有限公司,蘇州蘇爾壽泵業有限公司,西門子奧鋼聯制造有限公司等。Company Introduction?Suzhou Dongshan Youhua MachineryCo., Ltd, located in Suzhou Dongshan Science & Industry Park, withbeautiful scenery andconvenient transportation, is a company thatspecializes in precision machineparts producing and processing. Ourcompany was founded in 1992, withcurrently 30 million RMB fixed assets, 3,350square meters of floor space, including three standardplants covering 9,000 square meters.? The main business is producing parts of valve,pump, motor and textile machine, with most of the products exported to Europeand America.?Our company has passed ISO9001: 2008 Quality Management System Certificate. Wealways aim at customers’ satisfaction,consequently we have been continuously granted as inspection free company.This also helps us gain huge development and excellent reputation.?Our company’s major co-operative enterprisesinclude Circor Valve Co., Ltd, Oerlikon (China) Technology Co., Ltd, KSB Shanghai Pump Co., Ltd, Eagle Burgman Shanghai Co., Ltd, and TYCO Flow Control (Beijing)Co., Ltd, Sulzer Pumps Suzhou Ltd, Siemens VAI Manufacturing Co., Ltd etc.