廈門市佶爾電器有限公司,其兄弟公司廈門市萬和隆進出口有限公司已從事二十余年的進出口貿易。員工500多人,工廠占地面積15000平米,是一家集設計、研發、生產以及銷售于一體的生產型企業,且企業具有自營進出口權。產品為戶外家俱,花園飾品,家居飾品。宏冠集團致力于為每一位客戶創造出溫馨、舒適且時尚的居家環境。廈門萬和隆擁有自己專屬的研發團隊,包括工程師、設計師、雕塑師、美工師等。團隊人員一直以來不斷地參觀學習國內外的各種展會,了解并掌握市場發展的趨勢,通過銷售人員與客戶的溝通并結合客戶的產品需求。一路走來,宏冠自主研發和設計的產品已獲得客戶和市場的認可及肯定。迄今為止已獲得十余項的產品專利。公司以“鑄造成功,回饋他人”的經營理念,引導著宏冠全體員工積極向上、認真嚴謹、勇于創新地服務宗旨。并實踐通過自身的努力更好地回饋客戶、回饋家人、回饋社會。 XIAMEN WINLONG CO., LTD has more than 100 workers and occupies an area of 15000 M2. The main products are gaeden tables and stools, fountains and garden statues. We are working for creating a comfortable and fashionable home and garden for the customers.Continuous visits to various important world fairs , efficient communication with the customers through the sales give WINLONG R&D department very good understanding in market trend and their own designs get high praise from customers. Meanwhile, WINLONG has good experience in making customer's ODM projects.Believing credit is the most important quality for a company, we protect our customers and grow together with them all the time. Thanks to the hard working of everyone in WINLONG, we have built up long term business relationships with customers from countries of USA and Europe. Our customers speak highly of our reliability."Win and feedback" is the culture in WINLONG. We hope we can win and feedback to the customers we love, to the families we love, to the friends we love and also to the society we love.