深圳依麗芙電子科技有限公司成立于2013年,位于深圳市寶安區沙井鎮和一村北方科技園。高質量的產品和特殊的客戶支持為其建立了卓越的聲譽。完善的管理以及和經銷商融洽的關系使得深圳依麗芙電子科技有限公司能夠快速響應顧客的需求。Eleaf堅持“質量開發”和“追求長期合作”。現今,歐洲、俄羅斯、美國等國家和地區都有許多忠實粉絲。此外,Eleaf同樣為經銷商提供廣泛的OEM申請。?深圳依麗芙電子科技有限公司渴望通過滿足客戶需求和超越客戶期望成為電子煙市場的行業先鋒。到目前為止,Eleaf已經為產品成功申請了多項國際認證證書,技術專利和CE國際測試。長期以來,Eleaf專門研究不同的產品,精美的外觀,新穎的造型以及個性化的色彩搭配。我們相信成功需要:以有競爭力的價格,提供世界的產品,并提供出色的客戶服務。我們Eleaf把所有的顧客都當成合作伙伴,而且愿意為建立和維護我們之間牢固的關系付出一切。Eleaf(Shenzhen) Electronics Co., Ltd. wasestablished in 2013, located? in Shenzhencity. It is building up an excellent reputation for high-quality products andexceptional customer support. Experienced management, along with decentrelationships with distributors, enables Eleaf Electronics Co., Ltd to quicklyrespond to customers’ demands.?Eleaf always insists on “qualitydevelopment” and “persuit of long-term co-operation”. Nowadays, there are manyloyal fans in Europe, Russia, America, and other parts of the world. Inaddition, Eleaf also provides distributors??with a wide range of OEM applications.?Eleaf Electronics Co., Ltd aspires to be anindustry leader in electronic cigarette market by means of meeting customers’demands and exceeding their expectations. Up to now, Eleaf has succeeded inapplying for a number of international authentication certificates, technologypatents and CE international testing of the product. For a long time, Eleaf hasspecilalized in various products, elegant appearance, modern design andpersonalized colour collocation. We believe that success requires providingworld-class products at a competitive price as well as outstanding customerservice. We at Eleaf consider all customers to be partners and will do whatevermakes for establishment and maintenance of a solid relationship.