??沃哇數據是一家專注于大數據分析和咨詢的高科技初創公司,天使輪投資超過千萬。通過先進的云計算架構、數據科學和建模技術,我們為客戶提供實時的業務表現跟蹤和分析、促銷分析和優化、成本分析和優化、客戶行為分析和轉換優化、產品創新和銷售預測,以及其他為客戶量身定制的服務。加入我們, 你的同事里會有世界市場研究公司的前高管,美國歸來的大數據,還有一群有激情、有活力的隊友。你會喜歡我們透明、合作、好玩的氛圍,交通便利的辦公地點,有競爭力的待遇和福利。我們為的你提供一個無限可能的平臺!DataWowa is a start-up company focusing on big data analysis and consulting. By utilizing the latest technology of cloud computing, data science architecture and modeling, we are helping our clients on performance management, marketing monitoring and optimization, cost analysis and improvement, customer acquisition and behavioral analysis, product innovation and forecast, and other customized consulting services. The founders of DataWowa are senior executives and data scientists from world-leading marketing research companies and e-commerce companies, and we are looking for talents excellent in data science/engineering and always seeking challenges. The company is committed to growing our talents in an open and cooperative environment.