作為一家集投資、運營及管理多維發展的公司,德建合景(上海)致力于打造提供獨特生活方式和新鮮活力的都市標桿目的地。? ? ? ? 本公司成立于2016年,目前已成功投資并運營多個以變新和升級生活方式為宗旨的商業社區。擁有高水準的運營管理能力的同時,我們更注重的是孵化、培育、制造和推廣獨一無二的內容(包含主題活動,快閃店和獨特的租賃模式等),從而給資產帶來全新的活力和商業價值。告別千篇一律時代,我們樂于發現每一個資產的潛在獨特魅力,資產的面積和位置從來不是我們用來考量它是否具有獨特辨識度的僅有因素,? ? ? ? 我們與聯合投資者們共同挖掘和投資市場潛在機會,而每一個被抓住的機會終都會綻放不同的光彩。我們相信,機會不僅僅存在于我們自己的資產中,我們也已經準備好為所有資產提供“量身打造“的運營管理戰略和實施的整套服務。? ? ? ? 多年地產的運營經驗,團隊積攢下眾多以地產為中心多層次的資源,而不同的資源將可以適配到各類不同的物業中去。目前我們已經與某互聯網電商巨頭在中心城市的部分商業地產項目達成戰略合作,比如在杭州和深圳的項目正如火如荼展開? ? ? ? 目前我們的商業合作伙伴包括:瑞安集團,阿里巴巴,GLP,美特斯邦威等。Virtue Partners is a operator, manager and investor of lifestyle and innovation focused destinations based in Shanghai. ?The Company was founded in 2016 and we are currently investing and managing a number of lifestyle and innovation focused communities. ?At our core, we are operators and we add value to communities through strong design, creating and introducing unique content (through unique events, non-permanent attractions and unique leasing) as well as strong operations and management. ?We find ways of unlocking the potential of each location – size and even location aren’t necessarily that only considerations but it’s more important that we can create places that will have a unique identity in the community. ?No more cookie cutter projects. ?While we invest with institutional investors into assets and operations that have the opportunity to grow in the market, we also know that each place will be different. ?We also believe that the opportunities for an operator should not be confined to our own projects and therefore, we are geared to manage and operate assets with third parties owners and investors. ?We have strong access to different types of real estate (different types of content can be applied to different types of real estate) as these are already areas that we operate in and invest in already. ?For example, we have begun a partnership with a major e-commerce player to manage and activate parts of their commercial real estate portfolio in key major cities such as Hangzhou and Shenzhen.Our business partners and clients include companies such as Shui On Group, Alibaba, GLP, Metersbonwe amongst others.